Marcescent is a small press collection of writing and visual work based in Brooklyn, New York.

Who are we and what will we leave behind?

Submission Info
Contact Us


In our second issue we will focus on stories of Sirens. Sirens have long been part of mythology, most commonly associated with beings that lure sailors to their death with an alluring call. We’re still being called to, whether that’s to a person, a place, or a change. Siren songs can be dangerous and seductive, but they are always voicing a desire that’s already living within us. They can be a call home—to oneself, to a life not yet realized—or to unfamiliar territory. 

You may choose to willfully listen to or ignore the voice, but you can’t turn it off. It will be buzzing in the background like static until it’s acknowledged. In this issue, we’re looking for work that explores a siren’s call, the places it leads us to, and how our lives are changed by its presence. 

Against the wind and wave a song arrives. What happens when you follow it?

What We Are Looking For:

  • Short form writing and visual artwork relevant to the given theme
  • All forms of expression regardless of genre and style, though we reserve the right to modify text formatting—poetry is an exception—and resize images as needed


We will have two versions of the zine, ONLINE and one PRINTED

  • There is no word limit for consideration of online publication; however, for printed publication there is a 1,000 word limit per piece. Any piece 1,000 words or less will be considered for publication in both versions, but any piece over 1,000 words will only be considered for online publication
  • All pieces published in the printed magazine will also appear in the online version
  • There is no limit to how many pieces one person may submit

Submitting Your Work:

Please include your written work as a PDF, and visual work as a high res JPEG, PNG, or PDF along with the following, for consideration to 
or use this email template:

  • Your name (or pen name/anonymous) and pronouns
  • Title of work(s)
  • Category (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, etc.) and medium (if applicable)
  • Brief artist blurb/statement
  • Any website or social links you would like included
  • Notification if piece has been/will become published elsewhere
  • Word count
  • Any other information you think we should know 

*Upon submitting, all artists agree that content provided is their own original work

We understand the energy and effort you are putting into submitting your work, and we are honored and excited that you have chosen our magazine!
With this in mind, we strive to respond to each submission within a few days, and will inform you if your piece has been selected within a week following the submission deadline. 
All rights are maintained by the artist upon publication. 
Feel free to email us with any questions or concerns! It is our hope to build a community with this magazine and would love to hear from you.

- The Marcescent Team